Is Leveraged Staking Safe? Uncovering Facts with Sharpe Magnum

Sharpe Labs
6 min readJul 19, 2023



Leveraged staking combines liquid staking and leverage through recursive staking using flashloans and lending pools, allowing users to stake more base asset than they own and potentially magnify gains. Liquid tokens derived from staked assets can be used within the DeFi ecosystem.

Sharpe Magnum is a leading platform for leveraged liquid staking. It allows users to deposit ETH, receive tradable magETH, and earn leveraged staking yields while using their magETH in DeFi.

Leveraged liquid staking comes with heightened risks, including potential catastrophic losses due to currency value fluctuations and counterparty risk from third-party handling of staked assets.

The safety of leveraged liquid staking depends on the robustness of the platform to mitigate and manage risks, as well as the financial experience and sophistication of the participants.

Sharpe Magnum implements leveraged staking by allowing users to deposit ETH and receive tradable magETH in return. It leverages a combination of lending and staking protocols to boost staking yields and improve capital efficiency.

Sharpe Magnum has undergone rigorous peer reviews to ensure the safety of users’ assets and to identify and mitigate potential security risks.

Leveraged liquid staking can be a tool for enhancing gains within acceptable risk parameters. The safety of leveraged liquid staking ultimately depends on the platform’s risk management strategies and the user’s understanding and management of inherent risks. Sharpe Magnum is at the forefront of these developments, providing a secure and efficient platform for leveraged staking.

DeFi services such as staking have rapidly ascended the ranks of merit among investors globally. While staking, in its essence, entails locking up assets in a cryptocurrency network to support operations like block validation, liquid staking and alternatively leveraged liquid staking have further extended the playing field. Leveraged liquid staking, as the moniker suggests, is the combination of liquid staking and leverage through lending pools such as Aave, Morpho, Compound, and Flashloans.

For the unacquainted, liquid staking allows users to stake digital assets and receive liquid tokens in return. These liquid or staking derivative tokens are freely tradable and can be used within the DeFi ecosystem. Integral to the understanding of leveraged liquid staking is the concept of leverage, which refers to borrowing funds to amplify potential returns. Which is what Sharpe Magnum does.

The Appeal of Leveraged Liquid Staking

Evidently, the allure of leveraged liquid staking lies in the potential for magnifying gains. Leveraging, akin to borrowing, allows a participant to stake higher volumes of base assets than what they own. Successful transactions, in turn, yield higher returns that are proportional to the collateral staked. Moreover, with liquid staking, liquid tokens derived from the staked assets can be used concurrently in DeFi projects. This utilitarian provision enhances liquidity and reduces opportunity costs for the participant. By transmuting illiquid staked assets into fungible instruments, participants can tap into the array of opportunities within the DeFi ecosystem.

Magnum magETH (stETH) yields versus Lido stETH yield

Introducing Sharpe Magnum

Sharpe Magnum is a leading platform for leveraged liquid staking. It leverages the full potential of Ethereum’s Liquid Staking rewards, building on LSTs underpinned by the powerful ERC4626 standard. With Sharpe Magnum, users can deposit ETH and receive tradable magETH, earning leveraged staking yields while using their magETH in DeFi.

Sharpe Magnum Integrations

The Risks of Leveraged Liquid Staking

While the opportunity for amplified profits is attractive, it’s important to understand that leveraged liquid staking, like any financial strategy, comes with certain considerations. Yes, asset pegs between staked assets and base assets can theoretically fluctuate due to various factors, and this fluctuation can lead to gains as well as potential losses. But it’s crucial to remember that these are inherent risks associated with any form of investment in the DeFi space.

In the context of liquid staking, base assets are swapped for staked assets, which introduces a degree of protocol risk. This is because liquid staking operations involve the participation of a protocol counterparty such as Lido, Rocketpool, or Coinbase. Consequently, the security of staked assets depends on the infrastructure and competence of the entrusted party.

However, it’s worth noting that Sharpe Magnum is equipped with robust risk management strategies to mitigate these risks. From employing advanced de-leveraging automation and backend simulation to undergoing rigorous peer reviews and audits, steps are taken to ensure the safety of users’ assets.

Moreover, the potential for losses stemming from operational risks, hacking episodes, or even inefficiencies is significantly reduced due to the continuous advancements in DeFi infrastructure standards such as ERC4626 and the increasing competence of protocols in managing these risks.

In essence, while leveraged liquid staking does involve certain risks, these are actively managed and mitigated through stringent security measures, regular audits, and the use of reliable, trusted third-party protocols.

Is Leveraged Liquid Staking Safe?

Whether leveraged liquid staking is deemed safe or not is contingent upon several variables. Firstly, it pivots on the robustness of the platform or third party to mitigate and manage risks. This not only includes being versed in the underpinnings of DeFi technologies but also being well-equipped with an understanding of the varying market dynamics and responding promptly to market queues. Understanding the mechanisms of leverage, liquid staking, and DeFi at large is fundamental to utilizing these tools judiciously.

Userflow for leveraged staking through Sharpe Magnum.

Sharpe Magnum’s Approach to Leveraged Staking

Sharpe Magnum implements leveraged staking by allowing users to deposit ETH and receive tradable magETH in return. This process is underpinned by the powerful ERC4626 standard and leverages a combination of lending and staking protocols to boost staking yields and improve capital efficiency. The platform provides a unified interface, simplifying the staking experience by providing a single point of access for multiple staking protocols.

Audit and Security Measures

At Sharpe Magnum, we understand the importance of security in the DeFi space. To ensure the safety of our users’ assets, we have undergone multiple third-party peer reviews. These audits are designed to identify and mitigate potential security risks, providing an additional layer of confidence for our users.

Our audits cover a wide range of potential attack vectors, including but not limited to smart contract vulnerabilities, economic attacks, and oracle attacks. By addressing these potential vulnerabilities, we aim to provide a secure and reliable platform for our users.

Our audit reports will be available tomorrow on Sharpe Lab’s website and GitHub.


Primed with information, knowledge, experience, and automation, leveraged liquid staking could be seen as a great tool for enhancing staking yields within the parameters of acceptable risk. For those cognizant of the risks, this instrument offers the possibility of augmenting returns. As with any financial instrument, potential participants should conduct their due diligence.

The safety of leveraged liquid staking ultimately boils down to the platform’s risk management strategies, the automation used, and the user’s understanding and management of inherent risks. As this field continues to evolve, so will the methodologies for maximizing benefits and mitigating risks. Sharpe Magnum is at the forefront of these developments, providing a secure and efficient platform for leveraged staking.

Please note that this report is based on publicly available information and personal evaluations. Therefore, it is advisable for potential investors to do comprehensive research before embarking on leveraged staking.



Sharpe Labs

Sharpe Labs is a DeFi R&D lab that creates open-source innovative investment solutions using our Institutional-Grade Asset Management tooling and infrastructure